When people write you off and reject you, smile and keep moving. It’s not your loss, it’s theirs. No one knows your worth or value more than you do.
Just ask Rob Law MBE the CEO of Trunki (Magmatic Ltd). His “ride on suitcase” idea was rejected by Dragon’s Den. Today his company rakes in more than $12 million annually. This is certainly someone I would want on the cover of The Business Anecdote.
I know people are wired to seek acknowledgment and recognition from others. This is one of the reasons so many business ideas never come into realisation.
Believe in yourself when no one does. Take a leap of faith. If you fall, get up and keep trying. Failing doesn’t make you a failure. Giving up or not even trying does.
Don’t be scared to go against the odds, great things happen when you do.
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