JB Owen is a world-class speaker, 17-time bestselling author, accomplished publisher, and global business owner. She is the founder and CEO of Ignite Publishing, leader in empowerment publishing, and visionary in Igniting a billion lives with a billion words. Ignite books are bestsellers around the world with over 500 authors reaching international best-selling status.
JBO Global INC is the manufacturing division of her business, making empowerment products internationally for both private and commercial clients. JB currently manufactures the most comfortable, reliable, fashionable, and washable feminine products on the planet, Lotus Liners, improving women’s health while being kinder on the planet.
JB is passionate about inspiring others to believe in their dreams and become the fullest expression of themselves, She considers herself an Igniter of Possibilities. She is renowned for her success as an innovative entrepreneur who has built successful businesses, designed award-winning products, and created international brands. Her deepest enjoyment comes from supporting others in manifesting the lives they have always wanted and the happiness they deserve.
In our interview with JB Owen, she shares her origin story and entrepreneurial journey with us.

Hello JB. Thank you for participating in this Q&A session. Let’s start with your origin story. Please give us an overview of your background and career to date?
JB Owen: I’ve always loved creating so I studied fashion design and textile science. I worked extensively in the the TV and Motion picture industry in Vancouver, Canada for almost 15 years, before I started a global children's clothing company, 5 months after my first child was born.
I’ve had numerous businesses through my life and i’ve been an entrepreneur since I was nine years old. I love business, the business of running businesses, and helping people grow their businesses. Especially businesses that impact, and brands that ignite humanity.
I now teach business owners how to publish and share their transformational stories while building a legacy brand. Currently we have published 21 books in two years that have achieved International Best seller status in 13 countries, and in over 196 categories.
Where does your passion for writing and Motivational speaking stem from?
JB Owen: As a kid, I always felt like I was never appreciated, or recognized for my gifts and talents. I was creative and theatrical, not scientific and mathematical.
These qualities weren't acknowledged in society as they are today, and it inspired me to want to make sure that no matter what your proclivity was, you have the right to be seen, heard and valued. I also believe that anything and everything is possible. I feel possibilities inspire and awaken us to our potential.
We have to be teaching about possibilities and showing people that what they want, wants them, they just have to declare it and go after it. This has me writing and speaking endlessly.

What do you attribute your success to as an Author, Publisher and Motivational speaker?
JB Owen: Taking action. We have to take action, repeated, directed and conscious action in the direction we want to go.
There is no failure, no 'right' way.. there is only the journey one must take that is unique to them, but they must set foot and take it.
I always take action. I don't want to stop or wait. I am continually looking for new ways to do things. I like to find a better way and then share that with others, so they too can get there.
My desire to take action is fuelled by my belief that what I want, wants me. What I dream of is dreaming of me to be the one to make it happen.
If I am dreaming it, it is because someone is calling for it. That means everything I dream of is possible. Therefore, I start every project, making every phone call, and every business decision, knowing that what I desire is meant to happen. I may not know how or when... but it will happen.
My desire to take action is fuelled by my belief that what I want, wants me. What I dream of is dreaming of me to be the one to make it happen. - JB Owen
What are the key challenges you’ve faced in your career to date, and how have you navigated these?
JB Owen: One of the key challenges in my kids clothing business was inviting in the wrong people to work with, that weren’t in alignment with my vision. I didn't trust myself enough to fight for what mattered to me, and being a women, I gave into the notion that the men knew more. I ended up losing that business by not trusting my knowledge and opinions.
I also became subject to making things simply for profit and lost sight of impact, integrity and “WHY” I started the company. I felt very unhappy doing transactional business over transformational interactions. I took two years off having my own business, and did a year of traveling to 11 countries with my kids, to do charity work.
I developed a triple winning philosophy and started my next three businesses with this as a mandate. Since then I have tripled my wealth and success.
We have to be teaching about possibilities and showing people that what they want, wants them, they just have to declare it and go after it. This has me writing and speaking endlessly - JB Owen

Has your career been influenced by any past or present business leaders, and how?
JB Owen: To be honest, as a women in business, there were not a lot of leaders or other women recognized or speaking out as mentors or influencers that emulated the kind of business woman I want to be. This is my goal, to teach women how to be successful in business by being a WOMAN. Not by trying to be like men.
Women have their own fierce, feminine, fabulousness, and create business differently. I want to be a role model for that new paradigm. Of course I love Les Brown, Og Mandingo, and Michael Gerber. I was also inspired by my mom who is an exceptional business owner to this day. She has owned her business for 40 years! She showed me how to be a woman in business and a pillar of the community.
This is my goal, to teach women how to be successful in business by being a WOMAN. Not by trying to be like men. - JB Owen
Let’s talk about your new book which you co-wrote with Les Brown, and is titled “Ignite the Hunger in You: How to Develop Your Greatness and Ignite Humanity”. What’s the origin story behind this book?
JB Owen: Les has been the one person who always said.. It is possible.. that resonated with me. I knew I wanted to do a book with him and since I know what I want wants to happen. I just kept knocking on doors, asking questions, taking action and getting ready for the day he called me.
How would you describe the unique selling point of this book and who is your target audience?
JB Owen: This book is for anyone who has a desire, a belief and a wanting-ness to level up their life and go after their dreams. It speaks to all people as it speaks to the human experience. It breaks down any differences to address the core of all people to reach their greatest potential. The unique selling point is every person on the planet can relate to one of the stories, and feel if that person can do it, I can do it.
What’s your favourite chapter in the book and why?
JB Owen: Sorry, no favorites, each chapter has a powerful message and speaks directly to the person who needs to hear it. These stories were written because someone out there needs to read exactly what it shares. My favorite part about the book is the courage and tenacity each author had to push through, to overcome their personal hardships, and show up to contribute in such an authentic way.
Before concluding this interview, is there anything else you would like to add about yourself, business or your new book launch?
JB Owen: I am very passionate about building legacy. All the proceeds of our online book sales are going towards building The Ignite Possibilities School of Hope in Cambodia this year.
Thank you JB for participating in this Q&A session. We wish you all the best.
JB Owen: The very same to you, and I am grateful for you time and consideration.

This article was originally published in Issue 11 of The Business Anecdote which can be found at https://www.thebusinessanecdote.com/the-business-anecdote-issue-11